Invisible fence, dog fence, underground fence, electric fence

5 Closely-Guarded Dog Fence Installation Techniques Explained in Direct Detail

Some thing You Should Never Do With Dog Fence Installation

It’s a fence system that utilizes buried wire, a transmitter box, and a collar receiver that emits a tone, vibration and static correction as your  dog approaches the “out of bounds” area. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about installing an electric dog fence system. From choosing the right fence type to training your dog to respect their boundaries, we’ve got you covered. If you are looking for a fool-proof way to ensure the safety and freedom of your canine buddy within your property, then you should seriously consider installing an electric dog fence system. Our boundary fences offer settings to create a one-sided signal zone around the perimeter wire in order to maximize the amount of yard your pet can enjoy.

dog fence installation

If you are looking for the premium installation service for the best and most reliable Invisible fence system in Australia, and need it done affordably, you’ve come to the right company. We’ve had them come and install 2 fenced in areas on our property, and their installation services are top notch. One of the things you can’t easily quantify or put words to, but is by far the most important point to mention, is the increase in Mollie’s quality of life. From the moment the system was installed, she has truly been happier all around. My only wish is that we had done this sooner… Mollie knows her boundaries, and given the flexibility of the K9Guard system, she now has a great space to run and play. I would recommend (and already have) this system to anyone and everyone with a dog- it’s no comparison to the alternatives… this is the way to go hands down.

There are three primary types of invisible fences—inground, GPS, and wireless. If you are considering installing an invisible dog fence, it is important to get quotes from several different companies. This will help you find the best price for the fence that you need. Proudly, we serve as a supplier for Pet Stop® dog fencing systems and products, standing at the forefront of technological advancements and humane design in the field of pet containment. Pet Stop products are renowned for being the most technologically advanced and compassionate solutions available in the market. You’ll want to make sure you spend time consistently training your dog so he learns where his new boundary area is.

Ultimately, the type of wire you choose will depend on your specific needs and budget. It may be tempting to use any wire you have lying around, it’s important to use wire that is specifically designed for underground dog fences. This wire is typically thicker and more durable than other types of wire, and is designed to withstand the wear and tear of being buried underground. Installing an underground dog fence is an important step in ensuring your dog’s health — both physical and mental — as well as your peace of mind. Proper installation of your dog fence is the first step to a long, happy relationship with your new furry friend. Call Pro Pet Fence today for an estimate on your dog fence installation.

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