Invisible fence, dog fence, underground fence, electric fence

Top Five Electronic Dog Fence For Small Dogs Urban myths

Electronic Dog Fence For Small Dogs: Pros And Cons

It feels like a tiny ping, just like when humans touch static electricity. Invisible pet containment systems, on the other hand, require several accessories such as wiring, a voltage meter, a charger, batteries, and sometimes staples. You may also choose to hire a professional electronic dog fence for small dogs to install the fence, which will increase the cost significantly. You can install one of these electric fences quite easily as a weekend project. On the plus side, you can create the boundary in any shape you choose, and you can customize this type of fence to your landscape.

electronic dog fence for small dogs

Electric dog fences are a great way to keep your pet safe and secure in your yard. They create a physical or invisible barrier that keeps your pet inside a designated area and also delivers a shock if your pet attempts to cross this boundary. The shock is not harmful, but it is enough to deter your pet from crossing the line.

Electronic Dog Fence For Small Dogs

Some may come with longer prongs for long-haired breeds like Siberian Huskies or German Shepherds, but most are designed for short-haired dogs like Dobermans or Great Danes. If possible, it is always better to choose the higher end of the market. This will give you peace of mind, and professional installation will ensure that there are no gaps in the boundaries.

Also, you need to be extra patient as small dogs can be more difficult to train compared to larger canines. For this part, I wore the receiver collar on my wrist and started walking toward the boundary. And if you place your hand outside the fence, it should trigger the static correction.

We’ve put together a list of key features to look for to help you make an informed decision. If you’re looking for a reliable electric fence for your dog, we highly recommend the COVONO GPS Wireless Dog Fence. The rechargeable collar was also a great feature, as it eliminated the need for extra battery expenses. The collar is suitable for all dog sizes and built with a high-capacity battery, so we didn’t have to worry about it running out of power during the day.

However, the PetSafe Stubborn Dog In-Ground Fence System is specifically designed to keep stubborn and willful large dogs from wandering afar. On the other hand, if your yard or garden is larger than 1/3 acre, don’t worry – PetSafe has you covered! There is additional wire available for purchase, which can expand the field that the system covers to an area of 25 acres. Another cool thing is that even though it is an underground fence system, it doesn’t zap your pooch on the way back. It only corrects with tone or static shock if your dog tries to leave the designated area. The only minor disadvantage of this pet product is an annoying sound that emits at the highest non-shock setting.

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