Invisible fence, dog fence, underground fence, electric fence

Things You Can Do With Hidden Pet Fence Professionally Installed

What is Really Happening With Hidden Pet Fence Professionally Installed

Our professional installers will quickly get it fitted and your dog introduced. I also chose to go with a physical containment method because I began to question the ethics of electric hidden fences. Used responsibly, most dogs will not be seriously traumatized by an invisible fence unit, with the static shock sensation being more “surprising” than physically painful. Setting up a wireless fence boundaries on your own is a breeze — it’s just a matter of plugging in the unit, placing the boundary flags in the appropriate areas, and starting the initial training for your dog.

hidden pet fence professionally installed

Hidden fences can also be used to create indoor boundaries that work inside your home to keep your pet off a couch, out of a room, away from a kitchen counter – or wherever you need it. Create an invisible boundary that keeps your cat in your yard hidden pet fence professionally installed and out of the kids’ sandbox. You can also create an indoor cat fence to keep kitty off the kitchen counter, away from your new sofa and out of the baby’s room. And you can use the system for cat containment and dog containment at the same time!

Our indoor system is every bit as effective as our outdoor pet fence system, but operates on a slightly different principle. The indoor unit is designed to customize areas of the home for your dog or cat to avoid, rather than keep contained within; however, the system can be used to limit a pet’s habitat if need be. You also want to consider the time it will take you to adequately dig, lay and bury the wire around your property. Most DogWatch Dealers and other professional underground fence installers use a special trencher (see photo above) designed to simultaneously dig a small trench in the yard and lay the wire in place. Professional fence installers also have other specialized tools to help them cut through driveways, walkways, and other trouble spots with relative ease.

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