Invisible fence, dog fence, underground fence, electric fence

The Thing You Need To Understand About Pet Fence Break Locator Before Getting

The Trick Life Of Pet Fence Break Locator

Even though you’ve already decided to use an invisible fence, you should have no problem figuring out how it works and how to find a break in an underground dog fence. But it doesn’t matter if you have an old-fashioned or an invisible fence around your property; you will eventually have to deal with a breach. Breathe easy knowing your pet is safe inside a wireless dog fence. These fences employ either a static or a tone correction, or a combination of both, to help train your dog to remain away from off-limits areas. When you’ve narrowed it down to perhaps a quarter segment of the boundary wire, unearth the erring segment so you can move on to examining uncovered ground wires for visible physical damage.

pet fence break locator

The beeping will stop using a wire locator when it crosses the break. In addition, it’s possible to detect radio waves by using a homemade radio detector, which will cut out some of the static. When an underground dog fence wire is broken, it will cause you (the dog owner) to deal with many problems.

Trust PetSafe® to help keep your pet healthy, safe and happy. When the wire break is located, use one of the included wire connectors and gel-filled capsules to repair the broken wire. Find the gaps in your in-ground fence with the Wire Break Locator from PetSafe.

This should tell you the general area where the breakpoint probably is. If the Product is deemed to be faulty within 30 days from date of original purchase, Radio Systems will organise for a replacement to be sent in advance of returning the faulty Product. A Post Bag will be included with the replacement Product for the return of the faulty Product.

The bad news, though, is that most breaks aren’t going to be nearly as easy to spot. You’ll need to look around your property for areas that might be problem spots – gardens are a good culprit, as are any areas where you know animals dig. Check around trees as well, as growing roots can cause problems. The underground wire will receive a low-frequency static output as a result. To avoid picking up other radio shows, this volume level is low enough to hear the static from the underground wire. The wire’s static can be picked up by listening to different stations until you find one that is completely empty and has no radio show playing.

You may encounter trouble if your dog is crazy about digging, or can scale great heights. All dogs dig and jump to some degree, and a traditional fence pet fence break locator is no match for a determined pup! It can become a constant concern and headache, providing no guarantee of your dog’s (or your neighborhood’s) safety.

By understanding and respecting your cats’ needs and dignity, you’ll be passing on an important message to our younger generation. The Night Light Feature allows you to remotely activate a light allowing you to track your pet at night more easily. Simply turn your Night Light on before you let your dog out into his Pet Stop Fence and keep and eye on his while his is out in the yard. You make the needed adjustment without a Service Call or having to mail the collar to the dealer’s office to make a programming change.

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