Invisible fence, dog fence, underground fence, electric fence

The Thing You Need To Know About Hidden Pet Fence Troubleshooting Before Getting

Hidden Pet Fence Troubleshooting: Pros And Cons

Often people think that the collar is not working after the battery is replaced. People expect the light to now come on steady because the battery is new. If the low battery light begins to flash, it will NOT stop flashing on its’ own until the battery is dead in a few months. Soils that receive fertilizers have more metals and electrolytes in the soil. Wind also exacerbates a bad splice situation when the bad splice is near a tree that can move as the tree sways a little. Gentle swaying rocks the ground in the vicinity of the tree.

Hidden Pet Fence Troubleshooting

So that we can provide you with accurate information and subscription options for your area. If your transmitter is plugged into a GFI outlet, reset it and your transmitter will operate. The green loop light will blink quickly when the Rate is set on “1”. When the Rate is set on “2” the green loop light will blink slowly and when the Rate is on “3” the green loop light will be a steady green light and it will no longer blink. Waiting 5 minutes after removing the old battery will reset the Battery Status Light. If you forget to wait before inserting the new battery, the Battery Status Light will continue to blink red for 24 hours.

The transmitter sends a harmless, low level radio signal through the boundary wire, which is usually buried two to six inches underground. Your pet wears a special receiver collar that receives the radio signals. If your pet gets too close to the boundary wire, there is an audible alert from the receiver collar. If your pet does not retreat from the boundary, there is a brief static correction from the collar. With training from your DogWatch Dealer, your pet learns to stay away from the alert zone and remain within the designated boundary. Even the best invisible dog fence is not without its shortcomings though.

hidden pet fence troubleshooting

But it is inconvenient if this occurs, as you must open the battery cap to reset the low battery indicator. This usually will not happen more than once a battery’s life. When wires fail from nicks and bad splices in the wire, a customer can usually count on seeing us multiple times before we can work all of the bad spots out. Those multiple trips usually upset a customer and stress our relationship with them.

We cover the tools you can use or the DIY setup you can build with a radio in this article on finding breaks in your underground fence wire. Although they can have similar problems, how in-ground dog fence systems work is different and they are often a bit more complicated to diagnose. What can happen is that the contacts that supply power to the underground fences can become disrupted, usually accidentally by digging or other landscaping.

The audible area is approximately the first 10% of the total signal field. This will activate regardless of the mode switch setting, but will not activate if the receiver is in the “Audible Only” Training Level. RangeThe radio signal is transmitted from the boundary wire in all directions. The signal is adjusted by the digital range control on the transmitter to create a signal field on each side of the wire.

Once your boundary wire has been properly installed and plugged into the transmitter, the Loop Monitor Display (LMD) light will turn on. If the underground dog fencing boundary wire is broken or the signal is interrupted, the hidden pet fence troubleshooting LMD light will go out and an audible warning will sound. You should also check around your property for a visible broken wire. If it is above ground and was hit by something like a trimmer, you need to protect the wire.

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