Invisible fence, dog fence, underground fence, electric fence

Step by step Notes on Hidden Pet Fence Repair Broken Wire In Step-by-step Order

How Exactly To Maintain Hidden Pet Fence Repair Broken Wire.

The DogWatch SmartFence™ has mobile features not found in any other invisible pet fence system. You’ll know before your dog does if the Hidden Fence is compromised. You get the best Hidden Fence plus the convenience of mobile technology to keep you informed.

hidden pet fence repair broken wire

Hidden Pet Fence Repair Broken Wire

If this doesn’t work I would highly recommend calling in the professionals! Too many splices in a fence weaken the wires integrity and will shorten it’s life. Assuming you hear some noise you can now begin to trace the wire. Follow the wire out from the house until you don’t hear anything. But don’t get your hopes up, it’s usually never that accurate. If there is no break give the wire a tug and see if it will give.

Once you’ve found the half that has a break, you’ll have to dig that up at its halfway point as well and then test the segment that’s connected to the transmitter. Repeat this until you’ve narrowed down the segment with the break in it. You can also try to tug at both ends when you dig the segment up at the halfway point to check if it’s loose on either side.

Finding a break in your pet fence boundary wire is easy with the new PetSafe® Wire Break Locator. This wire break detector helps accurately locate full wire breaks in any in-ground fence system. The wire break transmitter sends two unique tones down each side of your dog fence boundary wire. With the hand-held locator, you not only hear each tone sent by the wire break transmitter, but the red and green lights on the locator allow you to see which tone is being received.

If the beeping stops, the transmitter is fine and your fence wire is broken. If it is still beeping, your transmitter is the problem and the fence is likely fine. You can also use a voltage tester to see if the wire is broken. You can use it on the disconnected wires to test for resistance.

Battery backup can help if you lose power, and surge protection will your system safe from damage caused by power surges from lightning strikes. Context clues can help you pinpoint the broken wire’s location. For example, you hidden pet fence repair broken wire might find severed wiring while mowing the lawn, weed-whacking, or gardening. Also, look for vehicle tracks, fallen brush, and burrowing animal holes, as they may be signs of problems with your invisible fence’s wiring.

Sometimes, the damage to your fence isn’t limited to one piece of wire. In these cases, you may need to replace entire sections of your fencing. The repair process here is very similar, but you need to add more sleeves along each section of the fence. Your fence stretcher will do A LOT of the heavy lifting here, so make sure your stretcher is in good working order and keep it tight throughout the process. If you find yourself facing a damaged wire fence, don’t worry; fixing this little beauty is easier than you might think!

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