Invisible fence, dog fence, underground fence, electric fence

How To Find Out Everything There Is To Know About Hidden Pet Fence Professionally Installed In 5 Simple Steps

Five Tips You Have To Know About Hidden Pet Fence Professionally Installed

If your dog continues to approach the boundary and does not turn back within several seconds, the collar emits a static shock correction. K9 of Mine is reader-supported, which means we may earn a small commission through products purchased using links on this page. They are smooth like our standard stainless steel contact posts to minimize friction and low profile for a comfortable Pet-Friendly™ fit.

hidden pet fence professionally installed

Hidden Pet Fence Professionally Installed

Our experienced DogWatch Dealers provide on-site training for you and your dog. They will guide you through our PetFriendly™ training techniques to guarantee your dog’s success and safety. Hidden Fence brand M7 Professional Series Receivers are the small dog owners choice in the industry. Hidden Fence brand Professional Series PT4 Transmitters are engineered to withstand time, and power surges. Hidden Fence brand Products are manufactured to the highest level of quality and engineering.

Some dogs may pick up on the training right away, while others may take longer to adjust to their new boundaries. Be ready to set aside significant time for training your dog, and know that these fences are not “plug and play” items – they require time and effort to function as intended and to keep your pets safe. A properly selected, installed, and protected boundary wire is crucial to keeping a pet fence operating day to day, year after year. A break in the wire means that the signal is interrupted, and the fence will not work.

This is very different than a surge arrester that you would use for a computer or television. After installing a hidden fence, DogWatch® Hidden Fence Dealers work with their customers to ensure that, with proper training, their pets understand the fence. Most professionally installed systems will come with a performance guarantee of some sort, and your local Dealer will be available to provide assistance and service, should you need it. For those pet owners with limited dog training experience, this assistance alone can be worth the added cost of professional installation.

Even with a tie out stake, you’ll want to do some training to teach your dog not to pull on the stake and to stay in his perimeter. Boundary training involves teaching your dog to stay within a set boundary with positive reinforcement. It breaks my heart to think I ever did anything that may have increased the stress and anxiety of my dear friend. I can’t help but wonder if it was the best choice, and in fact, I chose not to use an electric fence with my second dog. In truth, any tool that uses pain to control an animal (even what we might consider minimal pain) is not ideal. Aversive tools like shock collars use pain to control a dog’s behavior, which research has shown can increase stress levels, cause a dog to shut down, and potentially even result in increased aggression.

The Safelink® FM/DM signal also provides industry leading reception from the transmitter to the receiver collar. The exceptional reaction time of 1/8th of a second Maximises hidden pet fence professionally installed the understanding your pet will recognise its boundary when approaching. Hidden Fence receivers have the proven fastest and most accurate reception in this industry.

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